A carnivore’s best friend: A Brazilian grill or a Passover Seder. Both are typically chock full of beef, chicken, sometimes lamb, and in only one case, pork.

After two nights of back-to-back hearty eating, anyone but a Texan would scream, “Please, no more meat!” Vegans and vegetarians, liberation is on the way. Cows, chickens, Porky Pig and Little Bo Peep: breathe easy.

Hold the meats, but pass the wines. (BoPeep, expect to be carded.) For a little bit on the lighter side, try these delicious Kosher white wines. Gone is the syrupy sweet spiked grape juice. Instead, luscious wines are but a click away. And with a few more days of Passover left to go, white wines are a welcome switch from the usual red:
Weinstock White by W
Blend (Chenin Blanc-Chardonnay-Sauvignon Blanc) 2009
Central Coast, CA$8 online at The Wine House
Weinstock White by W is a wonderful value. Inexpensive without being cheap, fresh without being crass, W smells like a bouquet of wildflowers (floral nose), betraying its splash of Sauvignon Blanc. Ever-so-slightly sweet on the tongue, W’s fruit flavors tend toward peach (fruit forward) and then fully open up in the mouth, becoming even richer (good middle finish).

The Sauvignon Blanc keeps this wine rooted: a little hint of green (vegetal; dill, to be precise) cuts the sweetness at just the right point. A fabulous little “let’s grab a bottle on the go,” this wine will compliment most summertime dishes.
Goose Bay Sauvignon Blanc 2008
Marlboro, New Zealand$21; on sale $16 at Skyview Wines
The furthest thing from the stereotypic sweet Kosher wine, Goose Bay Sauvignon Blanc will knock your socks off. Big floral notes jump out of the bottle (nose) with just an edge of musk. Don’t let that get in the way of savoring a fine dry wine.
The fresh snap of green pepper comes through loud and clear. Bring out the cheese and the smoked fish. This wine will make the rest of the meal on its own.
Yatir Viognier 2009
Judean Hills, Israel$ 38; on sale $33 at Skyview Wines
Partly owned by Carmel Wines, Yatir produces unusual – and unusually beautiful – boutique wines. Its 2009 Viognier is a case in point: crafted on the dry side, this Viognier can actually stand up to a steak on the one hand, and compliment a fish dish without overpowering it on the other.
Imagine that. A hint of earthiness despite being made in steel, Yatir Viognier initially smacks of mushrooms. The softest hint of citrus fruits rolls in (middle finish), leaving a delightfully complex lingering taste (long finish). If you need a wine to make a fine impression, this is it.
How to find these wines? Try your local wine store. If the pickings are slim and time is short, enter cyberspace. All are available online. Enjoy!
NEXT: Portuguese Wines – the next big thing.
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