WHO to spend Thanksgiving Day with – Darth Vader or The Terminator or family? Why not all of the above?
Perhaps, you’ve already dined and have had your fill of football. You’re not going out shopping this evening as you did not this morning. So, what to do? Even if you don’t need to put distance between you and any particular loved one, you can still have a little escapist fun while you while away the hours.
GoldRun, an IOS/ Android virtual photobooth, believes it has a fun idea.The idea is its new and free photo app, “A Table Full of Turkeys!” GoldRun has made possible similar virtual experiences for the Super Bowl XLVI Champion New York Giants and collaborators NBC and Bloomingdale’s. (See video below)
Basically, “A Table Full of Turkeys!” allows you and you and you and you to place yourselves in photographs with the aforementioned, Angelina Jolie and at least seven other folk far more famous than yourselves as though you were literally posing with them. Of course, this is all virtual, but it looks real enough, including the turkey, hence “A Table Full of Turkeys!” The app is currently available on iPhone, iPad2 3GS, Android (http://www.android.com/), iTunes Store (http://www.apple.com/) and Google Play Store(http://www.bit.ly/Ap0QXH):
The app is easy enough to access:
Step 1: From chosen platform (i.e., iPad2, Google Play Store), download the GoldRun app for iOS or Android;
Step 2: Next, log in using Facebook Connect or Twitter;
Step 3: Click on the Table Full of Turkeys featured image;
Step 4: Click the camera icon on the Featured Screen;
Step 5: Snap the photo.
Share your pictures directly from the app.
Users of “A Table Full of Turkeys!” have an opportunity to be art directors, rearranging and resizing images as they see fit. Make Vader and Terminator look as small or as large as you please. Lick your tongue at them. Give them the peace sign.
Vader and Terminator not your thing? Saddle up next to Big Bird, who is probably safe because of Barack Obama’s re-election as U.S. President. Make yourself taller than BB. Already too much fowl on Thanksgiving? Royalty, then.
Pose with the Queen of England, likely included in “A Table Full of Turkeys!” only because there are no available images of the Queen of Sheba. Hollywood royal watchers may opt for a photo with Elizabeth Taylor – perhaps with gewgaws to rival her own. Finish off “A Table Full of Turkeys!” by sharing the results on Twitter and/or Facebook.
That’s at least a couple of hours’ distraction, no?
Visit http://www.goldrun.com to learn more about GoldRun.
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