PERHAPS had "The Great Gatsby" ( come wrapped in modern clothing like "Much Ado About Nothing," a certain someone would have liked it so much better.
Joss Whedon's present-day treatment of the Shakespeare classic opens today in Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco. It had its world premiere at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival. "Much Ado About Nothing" is fun, fun, fun! (See video above).
Of course, virtually everybody knows that in the end bickering Beatrice and Benedick will wind up together. The delight, though, is in seeing the circuitous, contemptuous journey that Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof, respectively, take to reach that destination.

Comparisons to Kenneth Branagh's critically acclaimed 1993 film are inevitable but not relevant; KB hued much closer to the original text.

All's well that ends well. And so is "Much Ado About Nothing."
“Much Ado About Nothing is rated PG-13; visit to learn more about the film.
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