Friday, August 16, 2013

'Lee Daniels' 'The Butler' A Dignified Snapshot on History

"IT'S not a movie; it's a movement," Lee Daniels asserted recently at a press conference promoting his latest film, "Lee Daniels' The Butler."

The film chronicles the tenure of White House butler Eugene Allen (14 July 1919 – 31 March, 2010) who served seven presidential administrations from 1957 to 1985 - from Eisenhower to Reagan. This soft-spoken gentlemen, portrayed by "Forest Whitaker," witnessed a ton of American history unfolding in real time. The film opens in the United States today ... More shortly

"Lee Daniels' The Butler" is rated PG-13 for some violence and disturbing images, language, sexual material, thematic elements and smoking; visit to learn more about the film.

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