Friday, July 25, 2014

In 'Lucy,' Action Often Goes Where Least Expected

HOW refreshing it is to be watching an action film, constantly making predictions about it and constantly seeing those predictions proved false.

Such is the case with “Lucy,” Luc Besson's sci-fi, fantasy, serio-comedic, action flick. It stars Scarlett Johansson in the title role as a heretofore hapless young American woman who – thanks to a Taiwanese drug cartel – is operating on a lot of brain power. The film opens today in the United States and France. (See the trailer at top).

Though far from perfect, “Lucy” gets some things right. And when it does, it is utterly delightful … More shortly

“Lucy” is rated R for strong violence, disturbing images, and sexuality; visit to learn more about the film.

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