THE writing is on the wall. In those jeans. And on the scales.
Doubtless, our No. 1 New Year's resolution is to drop some of those pounds that have been piling on since Halloween. How to do it, though?
With something that goes above and beyond. It is close to flying but you are not completely off the ground. Introducing the New Year's Challenge 2015 from the H+ The Hip Hop Dance Conservatory, or H+, for short.

What is H+? It's a non-competitive company of dancers for dancers. It offers instruction, moral support, pedagogy, advocacy and repertory all in the advancement of hip hop dance. The collective is dedicated to ensuring the future, evolution and longevity of its artform.
Is the Hip Hop Dance Intensive too much too soon? Too … intense? Try the Community Class. It is described as a multi-pronged “meditative exercise” that includes improvisation cypher and flexibility training. (on Friday nights from 7 to 10; $20 for one class, $85 for 5 and $160 for 10; see video above).
In community (class), the mission is to use dance to figure out who your are – for three intense hours.
Visit http://www.hdcny.org/newyearschallenge) to learn more about the Hip Hop Intensive and http://www.hdcny.org/communityclass/ to learn more about Community Class.
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