Monday, June 15, 2015

Stinking Thinking Does Your Pocketbook No Favors, Either

WHEN Zig Ziglar famously uttered the words, doubters and distractors pilloried him. Perhaps, it was his Alabama drawl.

In any case, evidence continues to mount in support of the then-incendiary words of the late salesman and motivational speaker: “Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.”

The latest is a study published in a recent issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. In “Cynical Beliefs about Human Nature and Income: Longitudinal and Cross-Cultural Analyses,” researchers report that cross-cultural analyses show that generally people who are more cycnical make less money than their more trusting counterparts … More shortly.

Visit to learn more about “Cynical Beliefs about Human Nature and Income: Longitudinal and Cross-Cultural Analyses”

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