Monday, April 6, 2020

COVID-19 Rubberband Man: Surgeon General Uses Simple Stretch Method for DIY Face Mask

Jerome M. Adams, the surgeon general of the United States, says facemasks can be made using common household items.


the rescue with a DIY face mask solution during the COVID-19 crisis is Jerome M. Adams, the surgeon general of the United States.

Recently, the nation's doctor demonstrated how to make a face mask using common household items like rubberbands, T-shirts and scarves.

Over the last few days, increasing numbers of medical experts have recommended that people wear face coverings as a mitigation measure when they go out. Do keep in mind, experts say, that the coverings do not inoculate wearers against COVID-19, though they can prevent carriers from spreading it. All previously recommended mitigation practices, particularly social distancing, should still be followed.

Though experts encourage the use of face coverings and masks, they discourage the public in the strongest terms from buying medical face masks and N95 respirator masks to prevent shortages among medical personnel, first responders and other essential workers on the frontlines of fighting the deadly and highly contagious COVID-19.

The novel coronavirus cases and deaths are rising faster in the United States than in most other parts of the world.

Meanwhile, a few COVID-19 reminders from CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):

DIY face mask made from piece of fabric and elastic.

Some symptoms that may appear two to 14 days after exposure (based on the incubation period of MERS-CoV viruses):
Loss of smell
Loss of taste 
Shortness of breath

Where to get tested
Contact the state or local health department or a medical provider. 

Emergency warning signs
If you or someone for whom you are caring develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include:
Difficulty  breathing
Persistent chest pain or pressure 
New signs of confusion 
Difficulty in waking someone
Bluish lips or face

Visit the CDC and WHO websites for the COVID-19 information and updates:



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