When yogi Claudine leads her class in Australia the downward dogs will make history. So will Versanette’s open mic in Chicago and the barbecue Shyvonne is hosting in Bermuda.
These are among numerous events that will be going on around the world on Saturday (25 Aug.) to mark DreamDay 2012. Simply put, it is an international day to celebrate the creation and activation of dreams.

“Every year, many countries around the world honor their ability to labor with labor holidays,” OE states in the DreamDay 2012 manifesto. “This year, we want to honor the dreamer, the visionary, the innovator and the simple truth that before one labors, one must dream.”
To that end, the dream activist, motivational strategist and inspirational speaker, has facilitated events as well as provided free tools and techniques on the DreamDay2012 Web site. (http://www.bit.ly/SjS6PC) One very user-friendly tool is the Dream Declaration. In this exercise, participants focus on a particular dream, desire or goal; write it down on a piece of paper or placard, and visualize ways to realize it.
Dream Dialogues are conversations between two people who work together to empower each other to activate their dreams. Another aide is OE’s Dream Strategy seminar on how to attain goals, which will end with an invitation to viewers to make a Dream Declaration. The seminar will be streamed live at 6 p.m. EDT on Saturday from Brooklyn, NY. (http://www.bit.ly/MITCIV)
Don't have time for dreams? The Pomodoro Technique could be just the thing. Created by entrepreneur, mentor and instructor Francesco Cirillo, TPT is a time management method that breaks down tasks in 25-minute intervals called pomodoros (Italian for tomato) with breaks in between.

Citizens of the world are strongly encouraged to participate in DreamDay 2012, to host an event – for instance a yoga class, especially if they can’t get to Australia for Claudine's session. Or to attend a gathering/join an activity such as the lecture on Dreams as Reality in Nigeria and the SpreadLight card game at the community picnic in Toronto.
OE, who appears in the video above, plans to make DreamDay an annual event and envisions it eventually growing into a full week of activities.
Visit http://www.dayfordreamers.com to learn more about DreamDay 2012, including free online registration.
Referencing a Big Event on DETAILS Wall
AN attractive young woman is striking a pose; a disc jockey is spinning with serious intensity, and a crowd in the background is rockin' it out.
Passers going by 1 Prince St. (at Bowery) in New York City will have to be sight-impaired to miss the colorful attraction on the wall at The DETAILS Guild. It is actually an installation commemorating the association between watch maker, TW Steel, and singer-songwriter Kelly Rowland. It depicts KR and DJ Mitchell Niemeyer and some party people having a little fun. Space in the spotlight is also given to TW Steel, and the wrist watches that KR and MN are wearing are visible but not overtly so.

KR and TW Steel are partners on the Kelly Rowland CEO Tech special edition watch. The company, whose avatar is "Big in Oversized Watches," threw a smashing launch party for the stylish timekeeper last month in the space at the top of the Standard Hotel. KR was turned out in a fire-engine red dress; MN was throwin' down some serious sounds, and a display of fireworks lit the sky outside the cavernous windows of the erstwhile Boom Boom Room.(http://www.bit.ly/PTsxnI)
Now the occasion lives on for a spell in the form of the installation titled "This Is My Time," for the KR single. It is the work of street artist Meres One and will be on view until early September. See the collage below that depicts its evolution from earlier stages through to completion.
The DETAILS Guild is a DETAILS magazine project designed to support, develop and promote the creative arts and their role on the Lower East Side.
Visit http://www.detailsinsider.com/the-guild/ to learn more about The DETAILS Guild and http://www.twsteel.com to learn more about TW Steel.
"This Is My Time" as it elapsed

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