Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tops: Hats Make Fanciful Finish at El Museo Fiesta and Certain Easter Sunday Parade

Patricia Underwood is known for her hat tricks. Photos by Yours Truly.

YOUR eyes do not deceive you if you know your milliners. The lady in black (at left) is New York-based, British-born Patricia Underwood.

This night the so-called Queen of Hats is a center of attention at a cocktail party in a deluxe apartment in the sky (86 stories) situated in the Turtle Bay section of Manhattan.

Herself is doing brisk business, outfitting eager clients with fetching and fanciful confections to meet the gentle suggestion of the organizers of El Museo's Gala on 14 May.

The cinematic-themed fete is the annual fundraiser of El Museo del Barrio – the New York City museum dedicated to preserving the art and culture of formerly colonized Spanish mother-tongue people living in the United States. (

Hatitude aplenty at this altitude, as there was at ground level on Sunday along a stretch of Fifth Avenue for the always spectacular Easter Bonnet Festival and Easter Parade.

Enjoy photos from the two entertainments for now. More words later.

At the Easter Bonnet Festival and Easter Parade, Dandies, Darling Little Girls and a Dazzling Array

Photos from Karmyn's Korner Facebook page.

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