Thursday, July 18, 2013

Long Live 95-Year-Old Nelson Mandela and His Day

IF Christmas Day, as celebrated on 25 Dec. in the Western-influenced parts of the world, is too polarizing a day to do good, surely Nelson Mandela International Day is a day that has the potential to touch those with the most insurmountable of differences.

Today (18 July), is the 95th birthday of Nelson Mandela, the same day that the world celebrates the truncated Mandela Day. It has even more resonance this year because the world's most famous living freedom fighter (aside from Jesus Christ) is ailing. Depending on the source, he's either at death's door or will be imminently released from hospital. Let's all hope that he lives longer and prospers (as God wills it, of course).

The overarching message of Mandela Day is that we should all do something - regardless of how small - to make the world a better place. Here's to hoping, then, that we can take a break from our differences, quarrels and selfishness in the service of something or someone not ourselves.

Celebrations abound around the world. At 7:15 this evening in New York City's Times Square, a video installation titled "The Power of Words" will be playing. Created by established filmmakers, as well as emerging filmmakers from the Tribeca Film Fellows® program, and five Boys and Girls Clubs from across the United States, "The Power of Words" is a multimedia short film that pays homage to the work and legacy of the South African statesman. It's a powerful piece. (See video at top).

Visit to learn more about Nelson Mandela International Day; visit to learn more about "The Power of Words"; Google "Nelson Mandela Day and City or Country" to learn about celebrations in your neck of the woods.

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