Just like last time, the plan each day of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week is to give a roundup of the best (and worse where applicable) and most interesting Yours Truly witnesses, from shows to trends to sightings to the rather unusual/bizarre. Mind, this won’t be a comprehensive list simply because I can’t be everywhere. But depend on it, I’ll do my best. Drum roll, please …
Day 6
(SOME of the players at the tents and elsewhere): Ellie Tahari, Badgley Mischka, Karen Walker, Vera Wang, Rodarte, Matthew Ames, Rosa Cha, Lavuk, Max Azria, Dennis Basso, Dress Reform, Luca Luca, Yigal Azrouel, Tibi, Narciso Rodriguez, Tony Francesc, Alice + Olivia, Improvd, Rachel Roy, Mulberry, Bibhu Mohapatra, Jason Wu for TSE, Pamella Roland
VERA WANG – Surely, Vera Wang did not have murder and carnage on her mind when she took as her guiding spirit “Kill Bill” for Spring 2011. Of course, not. She uses Part 1 of Quentin Tarantino’s two-part tour de force to explore “the fusion of East meets West with a mixture of boyish urban sophistication and romantic otherworldly sensuality.”
She sheds the more spare look she adopted for fall to return to what she's mastered – sophisticated, artsy and intricate. The things she manages with the obi are jaw-dropping, amongst other feats. Stay tuned for more on what is sure to be one of the top two or three collections of the week – if not the best.
ROSA CHA – As the saying goes, “when you find a good thing, stick with it.” Rosa Cha took this sage advice to heart in her choice of fabric. The black floral is the leitmotif in her Spring 2011 collection of bathing/body suits and little dresses/tunics. The eye treament, too, is one note – perfectly in sync with the magenta, yellow, aqua, etc., of the pattern. The aqua bleeds from the inside of the eyelid onto the top of the bridge of the nose. Some models looked possessed as if they have multiple eyes making contact with each other. Others looked dazed or confused. A few look dazed and confused. It is weird but somehow also wonderful.
FAT JEW – Sitting insouciantly on the front row of the Tony Francesc show w/ generous belly exposed underneath a sky-blue jacket. Gi-normous ‘fro he’s constantly raking his hands through like a nervous twenty-something female. Blocking the view of several people sitting behind him. One eye on him and one eye on TF’s enchanting “Urban Forest” exhibition. It’s Fat Jew – lewd, proud and straight outta the Lower East Side.

“Sure,” Fat Jew says, gently moving his petite companion out of the sight of my puny phone camera lens.
I get three decent shots and ask an obvious question. “Who are you? Are you a designer?”
On me he fixes a Cheshire cat grin and issues a challenge. “Google me.”
Like the man said, and some things I learned:
1, Fat Jew is more than a name: Funky Angry Tender Joyous Equalitarian Whimsical;
2, According to his Twitter bio, “I’m not a man, I’m an idea. And you can’t kill an idea.”;
3, He’s aka (self-anointed) “The King of Brunch” because he has brunch every da;y
4, He a member of the electro-rap” group, Team Facelift, “a mix between Barbra Streisand and Wu Tang Clan.”;
5, He’s a Mets fan and has appeared on SNY’s Mets Weekly;
6, Once upon a time he lived in a U-haul;
7, He’s reportedly a guest at some of the hottest parties in the world;
8, And finally, from his mouth to your ears. “I’m New York City’s fanciest, sleaziest, hunkiest, ruggedest, bummiest, and sauciest. I’m the ugly Rob Lowe …,” he gives all who have eyes to know.
“I’m into pedicures, Tony Danza, honey mustard, ribbed turtlenecks, loofahs, not giving a fuck, frenzied behavior, tasteful floral arrangements, Jewish girls from Long Island, making poor decisions, shrimp in baskets, depression, cheap champagne, penny loafers, and watching drunk white girls at bars singing ‘Juicy’ …
You’re welcome.”
Thank you, FJ.
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